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Symptoms and signs

Disorders of conscioussness
Epilepsy, Syncope, Sleep disorders, Acute confusional state, Delirium, Coma, Chronic Vegetative State, Neurological diagnosis of death

Agnosias, Aphasia, Apraxia, Aprosodia, Amnesia, Other spatial function disorders

Anxiety, Fatigue, Mood Disorders, Emotional agnosia, Psychosis

Neglect, Executive Function Disorders, Dementia

Loss of smell or taste, Visual loss, Hearing loss, tinitus

Eye movement disorders, Weakness or atrophy of the face, mouth, or neck, Dysarthria, dysphonia. Dysphagia. Hiccup

Hypokinesia, Monoplegia, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia

Excessive movements, Abnormal muscle tone

Paraplegia, Impaired equilibrium, Ataxia

Lower motor unit weakness (refer to Localization for individual nerves, plexi)
Lower motor neuron, Peripheral nerve, Neuromuscular junction, Muscle, genetic diseases

Paresthesias, numbness, tingling, Proprioceptive loss, Pain (acute and chronic)

Abnormal temperature, Abnormal blood pressure, Abnormal respiration, Food intake disorders, Sudomotor disorders, Disorders of bladder control, Defecation disorders, Sexual function disorders

Physical findings with neurological disease
Bodily habitus, Skin, Head, Chest, Abdomen, Genitalia, Limbs

Findings in infants and young children
Developmental delay or regression, Mental retardation, Hypotonia

Pseudoneurological symptoms or signs
Symptoms, Signs